Auto Dealer Application — 7 Forms
Forms needed to obtain or modify a dealer license.

This form must be completed and submitted to FLSHMV as the first step in the dealer license application process.

Complete form required to be submitted along with all supplemental documentation in order to obtain a dealer license in Florida.
FLHSMV Fee: $300

Submitted annually or biannually to FLHSMV for the renewal of an existing dealer license. Most dealer licenses expire April 30.
FLHSMV Fee: $75 annually/$150 biannually

Must be submitted along with the supplemental documents it requests in order to process any modification to a dealer license.
FLHSMV Fee: $25 to $50

List of all FLHSMV Division of Motorist Services regional offices. All paperwork concerning a dealer license must be submitted to the regional office of the correct jurisdiction.

Necessary if an agent is acting on behalf of another entity (person or company) and will be communicating with FLHSMV.

FLHSMV rule explaining in detail the requirements for a display space for a dealer in Florida.
Auto Sale — 9 Forms
Useful forms used by dealers to transfer vehicles to customers. Most forms are required to be submitted to Tax Agency/Tax Collector offices when applying for a title, and the rest should be kept in the corresponding dealer jacket.

Application for Title with/without Registration is the most important application Tax Agencies and Tax Collectors require in order to issue a Florida title.
FLHSMV Fee: Varies by Title

Bill of Sale used typically in private-to-private transactions for the written declaration of sale from one person to another.

Federal template for the buyer's guide which should be provided to every buyer upon their purchase of a vehicle.

This form is necessary if an agent is acting on behalf of another entity (person or company) and will be communicating with FLHSMV.

Required by Tag Agencies and Tax Collectors as a written statement demonstrating proof of insurance.

Affidavit stating sworn compliance with Florida Law concerning air pollution control.

Separate odometer disclosure statement for situations where a title does not have a conforming reassignment (no odometer disclosure in title) or when an error has been made in the title's odometer disclosure.

Signed affidavit for a buyer stating he/she will register the vehicle in another state or country, hence why you, as the dealer, are being held harmless from the requirement to complete the transaction within 30 days.

Florida Revenue
Signed affiadvit for the partial exemption of sales tax as a result of the buyer being a resident of another state.
Tax Forms and Information — 4 Forms
Useful forms from Florida Revenue explaining the laws concerning taxation in the motor vehicle industry.

Florida Revenue
Signed affiadvit for the partial exemption of sales tax as a result of the buyer being a resident of another state.

Florida Revenue
Per county table detailing the discretionary surtax rate (percent tax above the 6% state tax).

Florida Revenue
Detailed handbook from Florida Revenue explaining multiple cases and situations and the tax requirements of each.

This document explains the FLHSMV rule concerning sales to out-of-state or out-of-country individuals.